Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All About Bunnies

I promised you an update about the baby bunnies in our garden, so this post is all about bunnies! If you have not yet heard about our garden guests, you can read about them by clicking here.

It's been incredibly hot lately, so we've been watering the garden every day and had many opportunities to check on the bunnies.

They grow incredibly fast and we were able to get an accurate count the other day. SEVEN bunnies made a nest beside our carrot patch.

They still didn't mind being touched and we enjoyed watching them wriggle around and snuggle each other in the cutest way.

When we went to check on the garden last Thursday we discovered that the bunnies had opened their eyes. It's hardly possibly, but they were even cuter than before! And much more active. They kept kicking each other and we could tell that their nest was getting a little cramped. Obviously, little bunnies grow quite quickly and they now really looked like miniature rabbits.

Because they were so active we figured they would be leaving us soon. Thursday evening I started to panic a bit about the garden getting eaten on their way out, so we made a late-night run to the hardware store for some stakes. No, not to kill the bunnies! But to put up a screen/fence between the rabbit nest and the tasty greens.

I returned Friday morning with a friend who wanted to see the bunnies and they were still there. However, when we came to water on Sunday they were all gone and their nest had been filled in. Thank you, mama rabbit! In addition, absolutely NOTHING had been eaten. They just came, grew, and left. We couldn't have asked for a better situation and we're very happy we were able to share our garden with such considerate guests.

But, in case you needed just a little more bunny, here's a video I took on Thursday. Try to remember to breathe through the cute!

We wish you a happy life, little bunnies!


  1. I don't know how you resisted taking at least one home with you!! They're adorable!

    1. It sure was tempting! Our cat kept us honest though, I don't think he would have been a good bunny mommy...
