Friday, June 8, 2012

A2 Anniversary and Garden Update

Yesterday was our one year anniversary in Ann Arbor! Last June 7, after completing a 3-day drive across the country, we finally arrived HOME.

And it's been a fantastic home. We love it and have been so happy this past year. We couldn't ask for more!

And now, on to the garden. We've had our first (and second) harvests! Here is the first:


Yes, it's small, but significant. And here is the second:

Radishes and mint.
I definitely enjoy the garden work, but there's something very special about actually harvesting and eating the things we grew from seeds. It's neat to think that, just last month, I put some radish seeds in the ground, covered them with compost, watered, and now, radishes for our salad! The mint is a bonus left over from last year's gardener. Apparently they didn't read the rules: No planting invasives! Oh well, mint for our salad.

Most of the plants have been thriving:

Happy Marigolds
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Fingerling Potatoes
We have FOUR tomatoes!!
More Radishes
Swiss Chard getting big.
Sweet peas growing tall.
But some of the plants just aren't doing it:

Very sad eggplant.
Does anyone have tips for making eggplants happy?

The herbs also never really came up. I had one very small cilantro and no basil. So, I cheated and bought some plants!

Front to back: basil, thyme, parsley.
We also found some dill weed growing and thought it might be fun to see what it does.

A couple weeks ago I planted some summer squash and cantaloupe seeds. The plants are growing very quickly! I think they came out of the ground within a few days. We still have a ways to go, though, before they can bear fruit.

Summer Squash
We had a bit more room in the garden, so I put in some strawberries today:

And finally, some pretties! Because what's a garden without flowers?

Lillies are my favorite! I can't wait for them to open.

Also, for those who would like a bunny update: we've seen the babies hopping around the grounds (not inside the garden). They're bigger but still very cute. And, we're pretty sure we saw their mama the other day. She's cute too!

Another post soon about last weekend's adventures.

Happy Friday!

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