Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Garden Explosion

The past few days have been extremely hot and humid. We also had a pretty good rain storm, and the garden seems to have loved it! Because it rained we didn't need to water, so it had been a few days since I visited our plot. I couldn't believe how huge the plants were, as well as the weeds!

Check out our corn:

The summer squash and melon plants also grew impressively.

Summer Squash
The peppers have blossomed and we have a strawberry growing!

Yellow Wax Pepper 

Four out of six of our tomato plants now have tomatoes, and the other two have a lot of flowers.

The Swiss Chard and carrots are both getting tall too.

And! We have tons and tons of snap peas!

I think I pulled about 10 pounds of weeds today. Phew.

On my ride home I almost ran over this guy basking in the sun in the middle of the street. He got a little angry at me as I tried to shoo him to safety...

I also crossed paths with a Cottontail rabbit and this toad who did not seem to mind having his picture taken.

All that excitement and it wasn't even 10:00am yet!

Tomorrow I get to go see a good friend and dress up in pretty clothes. Pictures to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamar! Wow, your garden is really looking good. Looks like you're able to grow just about everything there. It's always fun this time of year to see things doubling in size, especially when you go away for a few days. Happy gardening!
