
We've seen much more wildlife than I ever expected when I first started documenting the local fauna, so I've split the animals into separate pages. I will continue to use an asterisk to denote pages with new pictures, but now I will put them in the title of the page so you will be able to see which pages have been updated by looking at the menu bar.

On this page you will find pictures of the BIRDS we've seen in and around Ann Arbor.

Buteo platypterus: Broad-Winged Hawk
Cathartes aura: Turkey Vulture
Turdus migratorius: American Robin
Zenaida macroura: Mourning Dove
Picoides pubescens: Downy Woodpecker
Quiscalus quiscula: Common Grackle
Sturnus vulgaris: European Starling
Agelaius phoeniceus: Red-Winged Blackbird
Carduelis tristis: American Goldfinch
Cardinalis cardinalis: Northern Cardinal (male)
Cardinalis cardinalis: Northern Cardinal (female)
Cyanocitta cristata: Blue Jay
Anas platyrhynchos: Mallard Duck (female)
Anas platyrhynchos: Mallard Duck (male)
Branta canadensis: Canada Goose (adult and babies)
Cygnus olor: Mute Swan (adult and babies)
Ardea alba: Great White Egret and Ardea herodias: Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias: Great Blue Heron
Ardea alba: Great White Egret

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