Friday, May 11, 2012

The Garden Grows!

We took some time to tend the garden today. I hadn't visited for a couple days and we were in for a nice surprise — baby plants!!

The first new plants I spotted were the radishes shown above. Here is a closer look:

I also noticed that some of the peas had popped out of the soil. I pushed them back down, but not before seeing little pea shoots.

And, after clearing away some mint (Did you know that once you plant mint it's with you for life? Yeah, invasive species...) we also saw that most of the potatoes had come up.

Fingerling Potatoes
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Also, I think the carrots and Swiss Chard have started to peek through, but I can't yet tell if these are weeds... I'll give them a little longer and see if they need pulled out.

Swiss Chard?
In addition to beaming over our new plants, we also planted some more seeds.

Including some herbs:

Cilantro seeds. 

The basil seeds were small, black, and hard to see.

Here's a look at the finished beds:

Basil, Cilantro, and Peas in the back.
Corn rows.
And, since the potatoes came up, we hilled them to help the plants produce a bigger bounty.

I'm so excited for all the plants to grow big!

In other news, we had home-made gluten free lasagne the other night. It was good.

GF sourdough garlic bread, salad, GF lasagne.
Finally, take a look at the passenger in this photo.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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