Monday, May 7, 2012

Home and Garden

We had a full and busy day on Saturday from digging in dirt to enjoying a movie with friends. It was a fantastic day!

We started early, around 8:30, at the Ann Arbor Recycling Center where we picked up some more free compost. I remembered the camera this time!

A giant pile of rich compost.

Free labor.
While we were there, another patron found this little guy (he's a Woodhouse Toad) in the pile and brought him to a safer, shovel-free spot. I got to hold him!

After we'd filled as many bags as we had, we took the compost to the garden plot.

We were disappointed to see that some strong winds had knocked down a portion of the fence. So, while Jake hauled the heavy bags across the lawn, I ran to the hardware store to pick up some bigger stakes. When the fence fell, the fishing line also became tangled so we had to cut it and restring everything. It took a couple hours, but hopefully this fence isn't going anywhere now.

We also planted a few things:

Peas in two rows.
Marigolds with the radishes.
I've read that Marigolds are good for the garden because they draw bees for pollination and help control the nematode population in the soil. So we planted a few of those as well.

In the evening, our friends invited us to go see "The Five Year Engagement" with them. The movie stars Emily Blunt and Jason Segel and was filmed largely in Ann Arbor. We actually saw them filming when we came to look for an apartment last year.

The film follows a couple who moves from San Francisco to Ann Arbor so that one of them can attend school at the University of Michigan. Sound familiar?

They did a fantastic job capturing the feel of Ann Arbor, really showing a lot of Downtown including some of our favorite restaurants. Having lived here it was fun to see them walking down Main Street and be able to point out the various shops that we know so well. San Francisco was also featured heavily and it was neat to see our old haunts.

A hilarious movie, definitely go see it. Though, please don't take the portrayal of the Michigander too seriously — I have yet to meet a hunter and no one has a mustache like that!

In other news, I was craving Chinese food very badly the other day, but, being gluten free, it's pretty impossible to eat out. So instead, we had Chinese "Fake Out" and made our own dumplings - from scratch!!

Dumplings, sweet and sour tofu, bok choy with mushrooms.
Also, look what I can do! Gluten free sourdough bread bowl, here we come.

And finally, these are just some fun pictures that were on the camera.

Picture perfect.
The goose completely stole the shot!
Have a good week!

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