Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Firmly Planted

The weather was so nice on Sunday that we headed back after putting in the fence to do some planting.
Last week I spent some time planning the garden and drew up a quick sketch on the computer. Once we started actually working the soil things shifted a bit, but this is a good approximation of how everything will look.

We began by turning the soil for each of the beds we planned to plant that day.

Then we added a layer of rich compost.

We ended up making two plots of potatoes and consolidating the carrots into one plot. Then the fun part: planting!

Yukon Gold seed potatoes.

We also made a few raised beds for the carrots, lettuce, and chard. Here are the ones for the chard and lettuce. We've started with just a half plot of each and I'll be planting successively so that we don't have too much produce at once.

At home I made some tags and went to place them today. It rained yesterday, so everything got a nice soak.

Swiss Chard
Baby Carrots
Big Carrots
Fingerling Potatoes 
Yukon Gold Potatoes
And, because we think he's cute, here are some funny pictures of the cat.

Happy first day of May!


  1. Wow, your plot is way bigger than I would have expected! You're not in urban CA anymore! I wish you many days of fun digging in the dirt, and delicious harvest.

    1. :-D Thanks! I'm really excited for some plants to come up! Can't wait to see you in less than 2 weeks.
