Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of the Year Visit

This past week we had a visit from Jake's mom, Terri. We hadn't seen her since we left California and were very happy to host her in Ann Arbor for a few days!

Jake and Terri in front of the Ross School of Business

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Weekly Wonders: GF Banana Bread

My mother-in-law sent me a very special present the other day, something I've been wanting to help with gluten free baking. I'd been waiting to purchase it because it's pretty expensive and I was managing in the mean time. And then a surprise package arrived in the mail — yup, she's cool like that! Of course I had to use it! So this week's Weekly Wonders is on how to make gluten free Banana Bread (this recipe is really great for those old bananas that no one wants to eat).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Half-Year Mark!

Today is our six month anniversary in Ann Arbor! On one hand it seems like we just left California, but we've settled so nicely that it also feels like we've been here forever.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa Is Real, Twice!

On Friday downtown Ann Arbor and Kerrytown (a specialty shopping area) held a Christmas-time event with the local shops and farmer's market. The stores had "Midnight Madness" with big sales and stayed open until midnight. The farmer's market hosted local artists selling all kinds of Christmas decorations and yummy foods.

Everyone and their grandma was out so it took us a while to find a parking spot. We ended up parking a little ways from downtown, but it gave us a nice chance to warm up on our walk. It was one of the coldest nights, in the low 30's when we were out, but luckily there was no snow. Downtown was decorated nicely with Christmas lights in all the trees - lovely in the dark!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Turkey Day, 2011

We were planning a big party for Thanksgiving this year but some things came up and we decided to just have a simple, at home dinner. It was a good thing too, because it turned out that I was battling an allergic reaction and in no position to host. Instead, we enjoyed a quiet day with my brother, Leor, who was visiting from California. Here he is!