Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Half-Year Mark!

Today is our six month anniversary in Ann Arbor! On one hand it seems like we just left California, but we've settled so nicely that it also feels like we've been here forever.

We are still loving living in the Midwest and continue to be surprised at how nice everyone is here. Everyone we've meet has been helpful and pleasant and we've made a lot of new great friends.

And, so far, we have no complaints about the weather! Both of us are enjoying the beautiful snow and delight in the change of the seasons.

We're looking forward to many more months in this gorgeous place and couldn't be happier with our decision to make the big move!

And yes, in case you were wondering, we did have another sticking snow. It came in the night and was light and fluffy, soft to the touch.

Filled up our balcony with white fluffies!

Most of it melted the next day, but some is still hanging around.

And check out this guy! He's getting fat and ready for a cold winter, I think. Look at his tail!

Over and out.

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