Friday, September 16, 2011

Current Events

Jake is now fully immersed in the world of school. He leaves every day at 8am and doesn't return until 7pm most days, and 10pm on some days. It's a lot of work, but I know he's doing a good job. He spends a lot of time at the Ross School of Business:

Ross School of Business lobby/study area.

I work at home, part time, but when I'm not working I like to get out. This week I went for a bike ride – and remembered the camera! So here are some pictures of the trail off Mary Beth Doyle park.

View from the bridge.

These are the yellow flowers I mentioned.

One of the trails lets out in a cute neighborhood:

While I was at the park I saw both of the Great Blue Herons with their White Egret mates. The rain also helped sprout some cool mushrooms.

In this post I talked about how high the water had risen after the nonstop rain. Here is a picture from the same spot of what the water normally looks like:

And here's the measuring stick on a normal day:

I was wrong when I said the water is normally at 3-4 feet. I think the rain must have raised the water level by 10 feet or so.

On Tuesday I attended my first Stitch n'Bitch, aka knitting group. It was a lot of fun and I met some great people. I'll definitely go back next week!

Last night I nearly froze. Just joking, but it's been pretty cold lately. A bunch of us girls went to see a movie being played outside in the UM north campus. We brought blankets and sat on the ground. I knew it was forecast to be cold so I wore a warm jacket, a hat, gloves, and my thickest socks. Yeah, gonna need thicker socks! The movie was pretty funny (Bridesmaids), and the company was fantastic, but it was coooold.

And here's the thing about the cold, it really is cold, we've had frost on the rooftops for the past two nights:

It hasn't reached the ground yet, but it's been in the mid-30's at night. For a California girl, that is about as chilly as it gets. BUT, I know it's going to get sooo much colder here. I hope we survive the winter!

We've been doing whatever we can to stay warm:

This is around 10am, can you see how weak the sun has become?

It's supposed to warm up a little bit this weekend, so I'm sure we'll enjoy the sun. Oh, and I posted some new photos to the Fauna page.

Hope you all have a warm weekend!

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