Sunday, August 14, 2011

More about storms.

Yesterday we had another thunderstorm. I know I've written about them a couple times already, but the novelty hasn't worn off. They are just so exciting!

We were didn't have much of a thunder-lightening show, but we did get to see the storm roll in and even witnessed some spinners (the very beginnings of a tornado that never touches down or gathers much momentum). The sky wasn't green so we weren't too worried, and it was obvious the clouds were just forming a bit of a peak.



I took some video so you could see how quickly the clouds were moving—at the end you can hear a bit of thunder. You can see the cloud peaks off to the right. [If you are viewing this post via the email feed, you will need to click on the video to be taken into the blog, so that the video can play.]

After the storm passed we went for a walk and were treated to a beautiful sunset.

Today has been pretty drippy, but no exciting thunder. We're off to check out some other parts of Lillie Park. I'll be sure to take some photos!


  1. Those are some dark, ominous clouds! I can't wait to visit and experience some Michigan weather...and build a snowman!

  2. We can't wait to have you! Though, if you come for the snow I don't think you'll get to see the thunders. Those seem to be limited to the hot and humid summers. But, we will definitely build at least one snowman!
