Monday, October 3, 2011

Girls Day at the Orchard

We had a very nice time with our friends on Rosh HaShana - good company and good food! My round raisin Challah turned out very well and I'll be making it again for Yom Kippur this Friday.

Fall is 100% here, and the leaves everywhere are beautiful! This is the view from our porch:

There have also been some cool mushrooms, migrating swans, pretty sunsets, and frosted roofs.

Swan Lake in our backyard!

And, in true fall fashion, the girls went apple picking at Spicer Orchards!

The orchard's general store sells freshly-made apple cider (yum!) along with fresh donuts and produce, including pumpkins.

But, the whole point of going to a U-pick farm is to pick the fruit yourself — so that's what we did!

A basket for raspberries and a bag for apples. 
We took a short hay ride to the trees. It was cold, but fun!

Anna and me
Most people started with the apples

so we headed to the raspberries first.

We picked for a long time and collected a very tasty bounty!

Sonya, the cutest picker among us! 

Sonya, Veronika, and Anna
Sonya, Veronika, and me
We took a short break from picking and went to see the farm animals.

Anna and the Goat.

I fed a horse an apple. He was incredibly gentle.

Then it was time for apples! There were many different kinds and the trees were full and lovely.

Northern Spy

Northern Spy



Golden Delicious - my favorite!
We pick an impressive bounty here too:

Anna and the Apple.

Each bag is one-half bushel.
On the hay ride back we passed a pumpkin patch - we'll check those out later this month.

We ended the day with a rainbow without rain.

The next project is to make and can applesauce. I'll let you know how it goes!

Hope you are enjoying Fall as much as I am.

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